

Roger Williams University has delegated to the 机构动物护理和使用委员会 (IACUC) the responsibility of review and written approval of all research and related teaching activities involving the use of vertebrate animals, 在学校赞助下进行的, 部门, 或大学内其他单位.

Animal safety and care extends beyond the laboratories and sponsored research to include animals being brought onto campus for educational, 示范和/或全校范围的活动.

Administrative responsibility for overseeing these functions has been delegated to the chair of the IACUC who is appointed by the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) of the University. The CAO also serves as the research oversight official as required by federal policy. 在本质上, the CAO of the University shall serve as an ex officio member of the committee, 但不是作为主席. CAO将批准委员会的所有建议, as s/he has the legal authority to speak and act for the institution and thus bears responsibility for oversight of research conducted under the aegis of the University.


The Roger Williams University 机构动物护理和使用委员会 (IACUC) shall include:

  • 兽医博士, who is certified or has 培训 or experience in laboratory animal science and medicine or in the use of the species in question
  • 至少一名从事动物研究的执业科学家
  • 一名RWU行政人员
  • RWU安全主任
  • One member from outside of the Science Unit (but within the College of Arts and Sciences)
  • One public member who represents the general community interests in the proper care and use of animals. 公众成员不得是实验动物的使用者, 加入该机构, or be a member of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution. This individual shall be appointed by the CAO of the University and shall serve without compensation.

The members from the University shall be nominated by their deans and officially appointed to the committee by the CAO of the University. Deans should appoint members who are experienced in performing research with animals.

Each committee member shall serve a three-year term commencing and ending on September 1 each year. Committee member appointments are staggered so that only two new members will join the board at any given time.


  • 安排每月会议并领导提案的审查
  • leading the process of developing and refining IACUC guidelines and processes
  • communicating to the faculty changes in guidelines as well as meeting times and Committee rulings
  • 维护IACUC网站上的信息
  • 当需要选出新的委员时,通知CAO
  • 维护国际刑事司法委员会的记录和档案

The taking of minutes, including all rulings of the Committee, shall occur at every meeting. 这方面的责任应由委员会成员轮流负责. 委员会会议记录和裁决应在会议结束后提供, 符合RWU的政策.

经过审查和检查, 书面报告, 由IACUC的大多数成员签署, shall be made to the responsible administrative officials of the institution on the status of the animal care and use program and other activities as required by federal, 状态, 或者地方法规和政策.



  • Assure that all activities meet the ethical and legal requirements of the humane care and use of these animals.
  • 审查, 至少每六个月一次, 在研究中对动物进行人道关怀和使用的机构计划, 教育和培训.
  • 检查, 至少每六个月一次, 所有动物设施符合批准的卫生标准.
  • 审核批准, 需要修改, 或者拒绝批准所有在研究中使用动物的协议, 教学或培训.
  • 审核批准, 需要修改, 或拒绝批准对已批准的协议的所有更改或修订.
  • Re-review no less than once a year all protocols for the use of animals to include the current status of the activities, 遵守协议, 以及IACUC政策或程序的变化. 至少每三年一次, the IACUC will complete a substantive re-review and re-approval of such activities.
  • Evaluate the quality of all personnel involved in the care and use of animals prior to a person being approved to participate in the protocol. 审查资格包括学位, 具体的培训, 研究经历, 并完成在线培训课程.
  • 审查有关动物护理或使用的具体问题或投诉.
  • Present recommendations to the institutional official (Chief Academic Officer) regarding all aspects of RWU’s animal care and use program. 必须确定机构计划中的重大缺陷, and the institution must adhere to an approved plan and schedule for correction of the deficiencies.
  • Authorize suspension of an activity involving the use of animals which is not being conducted in accordance with the current edition of the IACUC standards, 或者适用法律, 规定, 或者制度政策.
  • Assure that reviewers have no conflict of interest with the protocols that are brought before the committee.